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Thread: What's Been Going On???

  1. #1
    PGD Community Manager AthenaOfDelphi's Avatar
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    Dec 2004
    South Wales, UK
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    What's Been Going On???

    Hi all,

    I've not disappeared off the face of the planet and I haven't been taken ill or anything sinister like that. I've just been a bit tied up with work, my studies and something else.

    Work wise, nothing much has changed. Still enjoying the job and it probably still consumes too much of my spare time. Studies. Well, I've realised that at the moment I can't mix work and study and courtesy of this fact I'm not going to be able to complete my degree before my reduced rate funding runs out in a year or so's time, so I've pretty much knocked that on the head.

    The something else... earlier in the year an email came round the office asking us if we would like to take part in an event to raised money for Action Medical Research for Children. The task at hand is to walk 40 miles, starting at midnight, around Rutland. I and 8 other fool hardy individuals I work with/for signed up. So, I've been busy training every spare chance I have. Unfortunately that's taken me away from other things (like PGD) but it has shown me that I need to be getting outside more. I've always been an outdoorsey type and I've neglected my love of the great outdoors and consequently I've neglected my health. That needs to change.

    Taking part in this event has helped me see that I can achieve balance, but I need to do more physical activities. I've been walking mostly, but I'm also doing a little but of running and I've taken up cycling again. And to be honest... I feel great.

    So that's what's been happening with me. If you'd like to help us raise money for an excellent charity you can sponsor us (thanks in advance if you do). At midnight this coming Saturday (4th July) we will be setting off on our 40 mile trek around Rutland, so please think of us (present weather forecast suggests we're going to get wet ).

    PGD wise, once this event is out of the way, I'm going to set aside some regular time to work on things for the site. I'll keep you posted.
    :: AthenaOfDelphi :: My Blog :: My Software ::

  2. #2

    I have some personal and professional issues too. I'll not talk about personals.

    A pal I worked with and me decided to create a design and comic studio, so we're quite busy right now. I'll be able to create games for the studio, so I hope I'll came here more often in the future. We have some nice plans.

    Quote Originally Posted by AthenaOfDelphi
    If you'd like to help us raise money for an excellent charity you can sponsor us (thanks in advance if you do).
    I would like to help but I have almost no money now.
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