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Thread: VS Code + Pascal : Editor for the future!

  1. #1

    Thumbs up VS Code + Pascal : Editor for the future!

    Yep. Probably the best editor for pascal at the moment. Try it out, it's free!! Not to say that the built-in editor that comes with Lazarus is bad, but it's like comparing apples and oranges. VS Code is on the same page as Google Atom - or in short a modern approach at making a real text editor for coders. It's like Vim or Emacs without much of the hazzle (I do still prefer Emacs when editing C-code, but it's hard to learn old dogs new tricks...)

    The bad thing is that the extension, OmniPascal, is windows only

    This is the part where I need ALL of you to get over to Bitbucket, register (it's free) and up-vote this issue:

    By doing so you will be doing the whole community of Pascal indie and hobbyist developers a huge favour, and I also belive that it will boost the popularity of Pascal/Delphi and maybe, just maybe make more people open their eyes to see the beauty of the language. No need to convince you, but let the masses know that 'Inc(p);' is way more readable then 'p++;'!!

    [edit] By a honest mistake I used 'c' in the above code example, rendering in 'c++' wich I thought was highly inappropriate

  2. #2
    I dunno, my old Delphi 2009 with the old Castalia do all I need. I also use Notepad++ for XML and text edit.

    I will try it, thanks for the info.

  3. #3
    IntelliJ Idea with the I-Pascal plugin is also quite nice. It does lack a few things, and Idea isn't really a 'small' editor, but it's usable. I just don't like IDE;s, most of them tend to clutter the screen with information I do not need, and as a worst case scenario you have Lazarus with that multiple window setup. 99% of the time I edit code, and I want a streamlined yet powerful editor, preferably extendable like emacs, vim or atom/vs-code.

  4. #4
    PGDCE Developer Carver413's Avatar
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    Jun 2010
    I use Lazarus for compiling and debugging and managing the compiler stuff. as far as the editor goes I have my own design. a long time ago when I start out back in the days of delphi3 before the days of XML I developed the fold file format. in short it allows use to view our code more like the oop object it has intended to be. not to be confused with things like code explorer which sort of do the same thing but only move your editors view. with the explorer you see only what you intended to see and work only that. your editor area can be fill with pages of code you want to see and nothing else. you can have multiple files open at the same time. code can be moved,copied,pasted,removed painlessly from one fold to the next. the explorer has a layout manager to deal with all pages you open there is no complicated docking system to deal with. also the explorer was design from the start to have a scripted front-end and is build into the framework. the end goal is not yet another editor but a full on graphic work station for creating games,and such. it already has alot of graphic design code built into it but thats another story so I wont get into that today
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  5. #5
    I actually prefer FP-IDE over Lazarus for code editing. Laz has a nasty habit of munching up all your RAM and acts like a real CPU hog for me on Linux, filed numerous bug reports over it since I started using it. Minimalized it alone uses 70-80% cpu power and buttloads of memory. Ofcourse the Lazarus people told me it was a Kernel bug, so I should file a bug report aimed at the Fedora kernel instead.. Yeah.. right that's not going to happend... Even Eclipse with a massive amount of plugins runs smoother then Lazarus for me on Linux. Tried it on four different computers and swapped four different distros over those machines, and all I found out was that the battery on a laptop drains awfully fast when the fan is revvin' like a formula one car....

    Found a nice vim setup aswell, and beeing as old as I am I remember using it on the Amiga. Nice, sleek editor but to start fresh with it might be a bit frigthening - lots of crazy keybinds, but I assure you they all made sense when you worked on an Amiga 500

  6. #6
    PGDCE Developer Carver413's Avatar
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    Jun 2010
    I am using linux mint and I am not having that problem, memory usage goes up only 2% and cpu idle 0-2%, never tried fp-ide. I was a fan of amiga as well in fact AmigaE was my favourite language. it was really hard to move on.

  7. #7
    PGDCE Developer de_jean_7777's Avatar
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    Bosnia and Herzegovina (Herzegovina)
    Lazarus uses far less memory for me than other IDEs, including VS Code which munches up 200 MiB by default just for three small files open. Both Linux and Windows.
    Existence is pain

  8. #8
    Glad to hear that Lazarus is working for you, but it doesn't really help me as it's not very usable for me...

    Can't find the link to the Lazarus forums where I debated about this, but the problem is that I've tried it with four different Linux distros on four different hardware setups and I still get the same result. Someone suggested that it might be because I only use laptops, and it has something to do with the powersaving setup. What's strange is that it's only Lazarus that's causing this. When running Lazarus in the background with an empty project open it uses 70-80% CPU, when I rescan sources the CPU usage goes down to less then 1% when idling, but increases over time and after a few minutes it's up at 70-80% again. Posted a few traces (strace lazarus-ide) on there but I've heard nothing about it since.

  9. #9
    902 views and one up-vote I don't expect you all to like it, but can I please, please, please with sugar on the top make you go over to bitbucket and upvote this issue. I so want to use this, and preferably on my Linux box as I don't like windows (I don't hate it or so, and it's a good OS, I just don't like it.)

  10. #10
    I'm pretty happy with Vim. Actually I think it would be better but I can't back to those CUA editors.
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