Yep. Probably the best editor for pascal at the moment. Try it out, it's free!! Not to say that the built-in editor that comes with Lazarus is bad, but it's like comparing apples and oranges. VS Code is on the same page as Google Atom - or in short a modern approach at making a real text editor for coders. It's like Vim or Emacs without much of the hazzle (I do still prefer Emacs when editing C-code, but it's hard to learn old dogs new tricks...)
The bad thing is that the extension, OmniPascal, is windows only
This is the part where I need ALL of you to get over to Bitbucket, register (it's free) and up-vote this issue:
By doing so you will be doing the whole community of Pascal indie and hobbyist developers a huge favour, and I also belive that it will boost the popularity of Pascal/Delphi and maybe, just maybe make more people open their eyes to see the beauty of the language. No need to convince you, but let the masses know that 'Inc(p);' is way more readable then 'p++;'!!
[edit] By a honest mistake I used 'c' in the above code example, rendering in 'c++' wich I thought was highly inappropriate![]()