Why did Embarcadero went with DirectX for FMX on Windows and OpenGL for other platforms?
Anyway I'm trying to make a game, that has side aspect-voxel-engine. I can work with OpenGL. Other than that the game would need to display and handle lot of text data. Tables, lists, etc. For that FMX would be perfect. At least to begin with so I do not have to do everything from scratch.
Anyone have knowledge or opinnions about these? Are there easy Delphi/OpenGL tools for building UI with text/lists etc.
What options I have combining the use of OpenGL on FMX form on Windows?
* Change FMX/Windows to use OpenGL instead of DirectX
* Place OpenGL panel on the form and use that. Rest of the form would use DirectX. Is this a mess, drawing one part with OpenGL and rest of the form with DirectX?
Of course I could just go with OpenGL, and VCL for easy interface.