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  1. #8
    Sorry for the double post, but I have to say this: the solution was trivial

    While testing I discovered that function StrPas (used internally to force some callings to overloaded functions in my abstraction layer unit) were in a different unit in modern Delphi (AnsisString instead of SysUtils), so I added it to be used only in Delphi. Since then warnings appeared again and I was like WTF Delphi is trolling me... But using the Find declaration command to see the actual declaration of Format I discovered AnsiString also defines it's own version using ANSISTRING instead of UNICODESTRING!

    Note it doesn't avoid the need of the abstraction layer unit, but it simplifies a lot the implementation of this unit (and avoids to call an extra function internally in other units). For example:
      { This unit implements sysutils using ANSISTRING instead of UNICODESTRING,
        which is the default in modern Delphi compilers. }
      FUNCTION al_str_format (CONST Fmt: AL_STR; CONST Args : ARRAY OF CONST)
        : AL_STR;
        Format (Fmt, Args)
    This way there's no need of conditional compilation outside Allegro.pas.

    So, now we know.
    Last edited by Ñuño Martínez; 21-02-2020 at 11:58 AM.
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