Quote Originally Posted by drezgames View Post
Hmm, which Test did you run? What type of output did you get? Which model did you use? Did you change the template format in config.json? Are you running in GPU or CPU mode, etc.
I did the only non commented test from Example project. I used the exact same model the Example project seems to be set up to use. It is hard to describe the output. On the other hand it seems as if it only contains only random number but on the other hand it also looked as it was outputting some commands which doesn't seem to be intended output. I used the existing prompt from the Example project by commenting and uncommenting specific lines that store prompts examples.
The AI supposed to run in AMD Vulkan mode.

When existing example didn't work I then tried to change the model to GPT2 which required me to modify the config.json. Trying the same prompts defined in constants resulted in empty responses except for one (don't remember which one) which returned "What are you doing?" as a response.

I will try again tomorrow if I find time. This time I intent to modify the example project so that it will save console output into a text file which I could then share with you for easier debugging.

PS: On first run the program stated it has done some extracting of GGUF data. Where is this extracted data being stored? I haven't seen any new files created. I may have to delete it in order to repeat the extraction process in case if something went wrong the first time. I did not get any error message.