No, you perfectly understood the problem.

I managed to get the alpha working. This is making programming a lot easier and the game looks better too.

About the background problem... Still don't know how to fix it though.
Anyone here got a little basic code on which you simply paste a sprite on the background? Would save me some work

Anyways, a little info about the battle engine.
The demo version (on which I'm working) will have 6 knights. 3 of the blue team, 3 of the read team.
A single battle phase will consist of 6 phases (of which 2 active)
0a. The computer picks a unit for you to move.
0b. (with computer AI) The computer gets assigned a player to move.
--> Using the alpha-beta system the computer will determine it's next move.
0c. (Network play) The computer determines which player moves and sends this to both players.

1. The computer draws a movement grid for the active unit (all possible moves are in a darker shade (alpha layer ofcourse ))
--> You get to select a tile to move to

2. The computer shows the selected movement (unit and destination)
2c. The move is also sent to the other player in netplay.

3. The computer draws an attack grid for the active unit (which tile/unit do you wish to attack? Attacking yourself results in no attack)

4. The attack is being processed and shown.
4c. The attack is also sent to the other player in netplay.

5. Endprocessing (animation for a dying unit, checking if the battle is finished, etc...)
5c. Netplay can send check-info (in case of lag, like that'll happen)

Afterwards the game goes back to phase 0 for the next player.

Currently phase 1 and 2 are finished.
With the AI version phase 1 and 3 will be skipped of course.
With the network version phase 1 and 3 will be waiting phases if it's not your turn.

Anyways. Seeing the progress thusfar, I think I can put a demo for all 5 phases up by next week.

If you like I can post a screenshot and the current progress tomorrow.