Things added since BETA 1 release:

[ GVGraphics Unit ]
GVImage allows you to display a full size image such as 640x480 using the 3D hardware. You specify the tile size such as 256 and it will break the image up into appropriate sized textures suitable for rendering. It will then stitch them back together displaying the full image rendered in hardware.

GVPolygon is a flexible 2D polygon class. You can define as many line segments as you desire and using the line drawing routine from the rendering class, link the segment to display a polygon. You can get the number of segment, which segments are visible (on or off). The polygon can also scaled and rotated.

GVMovieRecord makes use of video for windows to create a .AVI of your application. Currently there is no sound support.

[ GVTools Unit ]
GVExeVersionInfo gives version info about your EXE file.

GVGuess will try and pick the correct number between min/max.

GVuniqueRandNum will return a unique random number.

GVMotion allows smooth acceleration/deceleration of an object

function GV_Http_Get(Url: string): string;
GV_Http_Get allows you to pass in a URL string to a server and it waits and returns the response string.

procedure GV_DrawGauge(Render: TGVRender; X, Y: Integer; Width,
Height, Value, MaxValue: Single; FColor, BColor: Cardinal);
GV_DrawGauge renders a rectangle 2 color gauge on your display.

function GV_RemoveSpaces(S: string): string;
GV_RemoveSpace will remove all spaces in the passed string and return to you the new string.

function GV_FrameTimeElapsed(var Timer: Single; Frames, ElapsedTime: Single): Boolean;
GV_FrameTimeElapsed allows you to do timing based on elapsed time.

function GV_LoadFont(BaseName: string; RezFile: TGVRezFile; Render: TGVRender): TGVFont;
GV_LoadFont is a convenient shell around the TGVFont class.