Hi 3d[Power],

Quote Originally Posted by 3d[Power]
It is better to add a box "Submit news" to the top-right pane, where ppl can just type the text (html formatted) and then send it for approval.
I'm trying to avoid/minimise the over customising of the general functionality of phpBB, so that we avoid the situation where upgrading to the latest verison is not a major job. The feature that we have in place now essentially means that every new topic in every forum, can be *promoted* to being a news item. Since we are taking advantage of built in functionality it will be less work for PGD staff in the long run. At least I think it will be.

Quote Originally Posted by 3d[Power]
+add box join chat "irc adrr #chan" also...
I can't remember if we had this functionality on the previous site as I never used the irc channel. Traveller can you clarify if we did, and maybe suggest how easy/hard it would be to add this?