In the underground cave their is a silver bot with blue armour that moves like a bat out of hell and hits like a ton of bricks (seariously he kills you in 3 hits if he happens to run you over). Killing him will get a Minor Health Potion. Double click it to pick it up. [I] for inventory and you can move it around. I (much like yourself) have been re-writing much of the background and engine stuff so right now you can't actually use the Health PotionOriginally Posted by AthenaOfDelphi
, but no fear Stage 5 will bring it.
Unfortunately I'm not sure that I'll have everything in place that I wanted in place for the finals, don't care as I'll still submit what I have. Basically my problem comes down to ability to draw. I don't have it.
Good Luck on your backend re-development and I hope to see you at the end. Will be nice to see/play another RPG (if mine ever gets to the point I can call it an RPG)
Oh also, thanks greatly for the play. I'll see what I can do about lots of enemies clogging up the FPS.