This was a "level" once :lol:

As you can see my "crap" is now flying around leaving wall rocks on the ground. That's what I wanted, but I need your opinion. The rocks don't have collision detection right now. I don't want the game loose too much realism just because you can drive through the rocks. But I also don't want the engine to calculate too much collision stuff. What do you think, would it be ok if I let the player drive through the rocks?

And another thing I've done today is the gunfire. I spent half an hour on drawing it. This is now used by alle enemys and the player. I did not like the smoke to be all when someone shoots

Please tell me what you think about the collisions. I also was thinking about the rocks themselve being destroyable and then vanishing into smaller rocks which doesn't matter to the optics when you drive "through" them.