Thank you Athena.... Gratulations for the new job!

One thing... are you sure you didn't change gunmode to AIR? In that case, what you call explosions (gunfire) is in the middle of the players tank, AND you can't hit ground enemys in that mode, because you shoot into the air...

If you have 1 minute left, could you please start the game (no matter what level), and press SPACE? This switches gun mode from ground to air. If you fire some rounds then, is this what you felt is a bug?

If so, then everything concerning this is ok. I didn't include instructions in the beta, so you may not have known there are 2 gunmodes for the main gun.

Sad to hear your project isn't finished yet. BUT what you have looks very good! Also the new graphics I do like very much! Respect to your brother!

Hopefully we'll see a complete game made with your engine some day.
I definetely will go on with the Tanx project, but after the compo without any deadlines in the neck (as I mentioned I am already at my personal limits!).

Concerning the rocket pickup I will investigate if "low" system specs may cause the problem. Your 800 Mhz PC may not do the calculations 45 times a second, which the game is designed for.
How much FPS did you get with your video card (the calculation speed is independed from FPS, this question is just because I am curious :lol: )?

Thanks again and best wishes! I have to go back tanxing now :?