Just to keep you up to date, I've finished quite a bit of the game allready and I'm trying to work with lighting now.

Managed to do quite a lot on that part.
Behold my lovely museum:

This is simply placing a square for each block. I am using 5 layers for this:
layer 1 - Way back there is the sky, not visible here, but it's there
layer 2 - Background blocks used for mountains and other things (in this case an excavation)
layer 3 - Very close background blocks usually used for bridges, flowers or indoor walls.
layer 4 - The usefull layer, places obstacles, the main character and some NPCs.
layer 5 - viewblockers. Things you can walk behind like the darkened eagle statue on the right.

I've also planted a spotlight and lo and behold, it bound itself to the camera.
Very nice for a spotlight tracking the main character (like the camera does), but as you can see there are a couple of bowls of fire on the background too.

It would be great to be able to position a light not relative to the camera position, but to position 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 so I can easily place a light on top of the bowl as I create it.

I've spent over 1 hour finding out how to do that, but all I found was vague babbling about it being possible, but no where could I find a single snippet of code showing me how.

So I was wondering, Anyone else had this problem and if so, how to fix it?
Something's telling me I'm overlooking something quite obvious, I usually am.

Another Thing I found out on the internet was the fact that I can place a maximum of 8 lights on the screen GL_Light0 to GL_Light7, is this true? and if so, I there a way to work around that?