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Thread: Master Of Magic Clone

  1. #1
    Co-Founder / PGD Elder WILL's Avatar
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    Master Of Magic Clone

    Ah yes, another Master of Magic Clone... But wait, this one is done using Delphi and UnDelphiX!


    Master of Magic Clone is a project by George Quinn and Ewen Lee and is now at version 0.6.0. If you were a fan of the old DOS game or even if you have never played MoM, it's definately worth checking out. It is targeted for any Windows 9x or XP machine running DirectX.

    They are planning on recreating the exact same style and gameplay from the original with very little --if any-- changes. Their strict plans for version 1.0 is to make it as closely as they can to the original game. After that possibilities may include; new modes of play, customization options for map size and composition, changing aspects of spells and units and creating completely new spells and units.

    <small>Checkout the Master Of Magic Clone project available on their Website!
    Jason McMillen
    Pascal Game Development

  2. #2

    Master Of Magic Clone

    I just hope that they update the graphics.

    That is what puts me off replaying MoM. At least 640x480 would be a good step up.

    Would be great if they open sourced it
    The views expressed on this programme are bloody good ones. - Fred Dagg

  3. #3
    Co-Founder / PGD Elder WILL's Avatar
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    Master Of Magic Clone

    Now that I recall, I think that was mentioned somewhere on the site, but there was something about holding back on open sourcing it until they were closer to 1.0 as they didn't want all kinds of new abandoned and half done projects all based on their code.
    Jason McMillen
    Pascal Game Development

  4. #4

    Master Of Magic Clone

    I hope they don't get a cease and desist order.
    The views expressed on this programme are bloody good ones. - Fred Dagg

  5. #5
    PGD Community Manager AthenaOfDelphi's Avatar
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    Master Of Magic Clone

    I hope they actually manage to make a working program.

    Spirit and I have both tried it and we can't even create a game. We're getting range check errors and out of memory errors.
    :: AthenaOfDelphi :: My Blog :: My Software ::

  6. #6

    Master Of Magic Clone

    I didn't test it yet, but what I want to know is:

    Why are there so many hobby programmers that try to make an exact copy of something which was created years before?

    I mean, if I would try to "copy" MoM, then I would make a game which is LIKE MoM, but I would never try to make a real copy of it. If I like a game that I want to recreate, I would always try to bring my own ideas and graphics into it to make it better than the original.

    What is the benefit of reinventing the wheel? I don't find any. No one will really play it, because there is an original available which is bug free (hopefully ) and which has the same features (bacause you did add nothing of your own ideas). No one will buy it, because it is absolutely out of date (graphics, gameplay). And the source.... hmmm... what do you want with it? Do you really think you will ever dig through it and program a game based on the knowledge you gained there? I can hardly believe that.

    Ok, I don't want to talk the project bad ^^ Seems to be right advanced as far as I can see on the screenshot. And if it is fun to the creators... then it's ok I think

    I will try it out later on...

    <a href=";utm_medium=badge_game"><img border="0" alt="GGE" title="GGE" src=""></a>

  7. #7

    Master Of Magic Clone

    It worked for me but at 320x200 I find it immediately dated. I could play MoM using dosbox so it begs the question by make a clone? Is multiplayer enough? I don't like multiplayer turn based games in general so for me the answer would be no. I agree making a game that builds on MoM would preferable.

    Anyway their motivation to make the game is fine.
    The views expressed on this programme are bloody good ones. - Fred Dagg

  8. #8
    Co-Founder / PGD Elder WILL's Avatar
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    Master Of Magic Clone

    The whole thing with MoM was that it was a classic. Much like like PacMan and Doom where it was a major milestone in it's genre.

    Heros Of Might and Magic, Age Of Wonders... dispite the much better graphics and an obvious technology update, all of these games only came close to it what MoM was, yet they where all inspired by it.

    It's actually quite amazing how the game, being so long lost and neglected, has become quite the legend for gamers of that time. Yet, no big name company has picked it up and updated it. Maybe it's been so long it has too much technology-wise against it? I don't know. I just know that once MoM2 comes out it'll be the biggest cashcow that the creators of Civilization have ever seen.

    But as to why so many try to remake it; It's so simple... there has not been another game made that captures all the same aspects [size=9px](open customization, randomly generated maps, extensive unit tree, huge cast of heroes, open storyless play, a ton of races to choose from, lots of city upgrades, buld towns, 100% player custom choosen magic, world events bending magic influences and unit/city enhancing oppertunities, etc, etc)[/size] all in one title. Only 'close to, but not quite's.

    Don't get me wrong, I liked AoW! [size=9px](Wasn't too impressed by Heroes)[/size] But it's not what all the many MoM fans, like myself want. I want a Master of Magic 2 with none of the good features left out, damnit! :lol:
    Jason McMillen
    Pascal Game Development

  9. #9

    Master Of Magic Clone

    Will is right. Besaides, DosBox isn't perfect. And I would rather see FPC and SDL instead of Delphi and UnDelphiX :twisted:

    I like this kind of projects. I would really like to play Strife optimized for XP, cause DosBox has certain problems with this game.

  10. #10

    Master Of Magic Clone

    Master Of Magic is one of my favourite games, so I am happy that there will be a modern version. I also would like to see it done with SDL+FPC - it would be cross platform.

    I wonder why there is no MoM series. Microprose made Master Of Orion II and III, Civilisation reached number 4, but MoM is left to rot. Pity.

    would really like to play Strife optimized for XP, cause DosBox has certain problems with this game.
    It would be great to play Strife running on modern 3D engine. The game is really good but graphics is a bit outdated

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