Hi, I'm my LEAF2 engine I've implemented mirrors. I use OpenGL, but you probably could do it in D3D.
This solution uses the stencil buffer, its the basic algoritm, I optimized it later with scissor clipping and other stuff.

1¬? Disable any render state not needed to speedup (smooth shading, lighting, etc) and disable depthbuffer writing with glDepthMask(GL_FALSE).

2¬? Setup stencil.
This will fill a mirror shape in the stencilbuffer with 1's

3¬? Draw mirror quad, visible ou with color write disabled if you want.
It all depends of the type of mirror you need, transparent and such.

4¬? Reenable depthbuffer writing and setup stencil.
Only draw where stencil=1

5¬? Now this is the part to remove any ghost object that may appear from behind.
This basically is used to clear the zbuffer, but only where stencil=1
//DrawFullScreenQuad here

6¬? The last part is to render the reflected scene with faceculling reversed.
Here I used glClipPlane to removed other ghosts that may appear.
To reflect the scene I use a mirror matrix transformation, constructed from the mirror position and normal.