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Thread: powerdraw tutorials

  1. #1

    powerdraw tutorials

    hi there

    is there a online tutorial for powerdraw.

    i use powerdraw 242
    and with the tutorial files there is only comment but not a step by step tutorial.

    so i tought maybe i missed something like a site with the tutorial on it.

    thanks mitch

  2. #2

    powerdraw tutorials

    i have changed the red parts of tutorial 2
    it should make a square but it makes a triangle
    whats wrong?

    function TForm1.InitVertexBuffer(): boolean;

    var _vb : array[0...3] of TCustomVertex;
    _ptr : pByte;

    Result := false;

    // Initialize the vertices.
    _vb[0] := GetCustomVertex(0, 0, 0.5, 1, $FFFF0000);
    _vb[1] := GetCustomVertex(250, 0, 0.5, 1, $FF00FF00);
    _vb[2] := GetCustomVertex( 0, 250, 0.5, 1, $FF0000FF);
    _vb[3] := GetCustomVertex(250, 250, 0.5, 1, $FF0000FF);

    // Create a vertex buffer.
    if failed(PowerGraph.D3DDevice8.CreateVertexBuffer(Si zeOf(_vb), 0,
    VertexBuffer)) then exit;

    // Lock, fill and unlock vertex buffer.
    if failed(VertexBuffer.Lock(0, SizeOf(_vb), _ptr, 0)) then exit;
    Move(_vb, _ptr^, SizeOf(_vb));

    // All right
    Result := true;

  3. #3

    powerdraw tutorials

    Try swiching 3rd and 4th vertexs coordinates. The third one should be bottom right and the fourth one bottom left.


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