“I am not against copy protection. I am against copy protection that treats gamers like criminals or inconveniences them,” Wardell concluded.
I absolutely agree with this part.

I think he makes a good point but I'm not 100% that his approach, to shy away from copy protection completely is wise

In my option, the Anti-Copy industry is making life difficult for pirates and regular gamers alike because they are implementing overly heavy handed solutions to the problem. It becomes a real pain for regular players.. Take Half Life 2 for example. Although I never purchased it myself (I was put off by the copy protection) I heard of plenty of people who installed the game then had to wait for a long time for their copy to be authenticated.. the fact that it doesn't even mention this on the box was suprising. I was really excited when it came out, I almost brought a copy then backed out.. I'm not a criminal and don't want to be treated as one.. and I don't want some spyware on my machine checking that my version is legal. HL2 is not that important.

But on the flip side, I understand Valve's reasons for using something like Steam. But their sourcecode being stolen is their own fault for leaving their servers unsecured.

There was another game which I saw called "Ragdoll Kung Foo" which looked awesome. I wanted to purchase it.. and found it was only available over Steam.. Great! Another game sale lost.

I purchased another Game "XIII", A really cool looking anime style FPS which I really got into. I shut it down then later, went to play it again and it wouldn't recognise the CD.. turns out there's a problem with the copy protection on some drives. I've never played it since.

I've no problem entering CD Keys though or receiving a Key via email.