I think we all agree that all copy protection can be cracked; but that dosent mean you have to give your software with not protection at all and think that always will be more honest people that pay for it that people that will uses an illegal copy.

If your software is available for download and it works just changing your computer's date after the trail period or if it just take few minutes doing somthing that makes it run fully with no need to pay anything then a lot people will just do that.

But I am also against to insane copy protections where even the legal owner get so anoyed, protected cds than tend to fail if your cd lector is old or just dusted, programs tied to hard disk serial number so you can only use your software in your computer home or only in your computer office and need to request new sitcode if your disk crash; protections schemes that install drivers that crash your Os or are incompatibles with others drives, etc.

I think the best copy protection is a balance between your copy protection scheme, your selling price and the availability of geting a legal copy; it have to be cheaper to buy and get the legal copy that waste time and effort for a cracked one.

If i can just easily pay $30 in a procces that just take few minutes for get my legal copy than expending two days of hard work disasembling, tracing and cracking then I surelly will preffer to pay the $30; But If the sofware price is $1000 (which is too expensive for what i need it or for what it does) or if the software is only sells in USA ( and i live in Bombay) or if i need an account in whatever bank (which i dont have acces) or i will have to wait for my copy arribe by fedex in one week or if the legal copy is too restrictive than the cracked one (it only runs in one machine i choose for example) then most likely I will get tempted for a cracked copy.

If you google for words like "crack" "keyloger" "keygen" etc, you will get thousand of porno and kind warez sites that when you get into it, then inmediatilly all kind adware, spyware, virus etc tries to get into your computer; your anti-spyware and antivirus software will jump alarmed; so this mean that looking for a illegal copy of any software is a risk for the regular user but they will take that risk if geting the legal copy is too much complicated than that.