From my experience, jedi-sdl was never tested enough with FPC. That's why I assumed that making jedi-sdl GL/GLU units compatible with FPC is a waste of time, since FPC distribution already provides these units too. So I was satisfied with GL/GLU units working under Delphi/Kylix, providing compatible layer to FPC GL/GLU units.

However, I'm glad to know that you want to make jedi-sdl GL/GLU units compatible with FPC. I'll diff GL/GLU jedi-sdl and FPC units and will submit a patch soon with any necessary corrections to jedi-sdl. I will also patch FPC units to include GL 2.0 updates in jedi-sdl glext unit, I wanted to do this since a long time anyway. So FPC and jedi-sdl units will get synched.

cragwolf: I can't explain why you can't reproduce the problem with Windows and compiling with FPC using jedi-sdl glu unit... I would double-check that you're indeed using the jedi-sdl glu, not the one supplied with FPC (as the one supplied with FPC will work, we know this). As for Lazarus 0.9.18: it includes exactly FPC 2.0.4.