Sorry, sorry, sorry about not replying!
It's end of year exams period here, so im into a lot of study and very very busy.

I'll try to be quick:
>Huehnerschaender : I checked the Asphyre website you advised, but couldn't find a download link! Could you please specify?

>NecroDOME : I had a look at both those links, found them very interesting indeed, and tried making a couple of particle systems myself.
I didn't manage to make anything look like fire quite yet, but I'll work on it. Thanks for the help, and there's only one thing I'm nt sure of: you say it is important to rotate the particles each frame. Why rotate? and how?

I was also wondering: should I make each particle like a couple of pixels wide and have a lot of them, or rather like on which seems to make them quite large?

Thanx a lot, sorry for not updating this often,
c ya