Hi and thanks for this positive feedback

@savage: *LOL*! I am alone and only have my sparetime for this

@Firlefanz: In your Innominate game you can't use billboards for the trees. Billboards are always faced to the camera and your game view is dynamic, so the perspective would not fit to the surroundings. The billboard trees in the previous video were just placeholders. The new treeclass I made is ready to go (see video below).

@Delfi: Forget about the trees in the previous video (see above). The new tree class takes a 3D model for trunk and (at the moment) randomly generates positions for some leaf-facings. The leafs behave nearly like billboards, but they are facings. This way I let them face to the camera, but still am able to let them move in the wind.
Surely I need new textures... all of them are just placeholders at the moment. I plan to go into the park around the corner of my house and take some photos of real trees and plants and make the textures out of them. Should give a more realistic feel.

@VilleK: I only made some of the textures. Others are from freeware sites. But I will exchange them all (see above) to give a more athmospheric feel (when all textures come from the same source they fit together a little better I guess )

@Traveler: The iceballs will become grenades sometime I didn't had a model and no proper texture available, so sorry for the look of them Again, they are only placeholders.
Concerning the wind: The "wind" is just a sinwave atm. It was for testing purposes. There is no real wind source right now. Thats a thing for later (I can imagine a helicopter flying over the scene, letting the plants wave in the rotor winds...

So here is a new video of my progress from yesterday

I added:
- New tree class (Don't bother about the look. The trees doesn't look overwhelming, the textures and the trunk model are crappy. But the technique is ready to go).
- Waterlevel to the terrain (player can go swimming now *lol*)
- Explosions throw up dirt if they hit the landscape.
- Waterexplosions
- increased depth of view
- trees have a collision corpse now (not visible in this video, just got it ready when the video already was done.)

