Quote Originally Posted by nildo
Quote Originally Posted by nildo
Quote Originally Posted by Legolas
You may switch to Jicro's UnDephiX, that should have a sort of hardware acceleration
Is his units workarrounded with the latest unDelphiX units?
I have changed to his units but it seems not to work propertly. My World editor stopped working like it needs to be.. (the Draw passing the Surface does not works correctly).
Hmmm.. I can't seem to access this site for the latest UnDelphiX.

I wanted to update my tutorials with a URL to it. But it doesn't appear to work. This worries me somewhat. If DelphiX isn't being maintained anymore (Where is Hori?) and UnDelphiX isn't being maintained by Turbo anymore but is being maintained by different people at different places which may be unreliable, then UnDelphiX will die. At the moment it lives because it has a large fan base and a good reputation for being easy and reliable. This is a reputation which is easily broken.

...or it could be a temporary glitch. Could someone confirm though. UnDelphiX needs its own URL and site. Perhaps a SourceForge Site. But it needs somewhere central to live where it can exist for many years.. I mean, even Hori's old site is still there, unchanged after all this time.