You can use it as you like, just download the SDK Razz !!
Yeah i know... what i actually ment is that i hope that somewere in the future my engine will be as great as Necro3d. :razz: But i think, that will take a while.
I have checked out your API reference and i noticed that Necro3d doesn't have many routines, so the whole thing is kept simple and easy to use.
However.. it still enables you to make great games with tons of special effects etc.. Good job!

What other things would you like to see??
I was thinking of an 'about Necro3d' page.
On this page, there are some facts listed, e.g How long it took to develop Necro3d, how many Units... Lines of code, maybe some info on the Engine's architecture, problems/sollutions during development, what are your plans etc..
I have seen some nice games running on Necro3d an i'm getting quiet curious how the engine is developed. :razz: