Edit1.Text is just a string. Edit1 is the default name for a TEdit component in a Delphi application.

I don't know if the newer (higher than 7/2005) editions of Delphi still have the handy documentation, but if you want to know more about the VCL (Visual Component Library) I recommend looking through the Help files.

Just make a new application and play with the component bar, dropping different components onto your form and see what type of components they are. Then got to Help -> Delphi Help then a little dialog box will popup. Go to the 'Index' tab and type in the name of the function or type that you want to learn more about. Most of everything you'll want to know about the VCL or the language syntax will be listed in there.

If you cannot find it there, you can altenately use the 'Find' tab and see if information in another topic heading will hold any insight to what you need to know.

Hope this helps.