About the size: I guess that might be it.

I'm afraid I have no experience with pointers and can't figure out how to get from the pointer to show the image.
I was thinking on using GtkImage (wich I used for loading from the file).
But looking at the api I don't know how to load it.
I had a look at loading from pixmap, wich need a GdkPixmap and a GdkBitmap, then the GdkPixmap need a GdkDrawable, all this makes me think im way off. So I had a look at GObject and gpointer, wich I think is even more way off.

So i basicly need help with the whole source, but I don't want that. I want to write most of it myself, cause I learn more then.
But a clue or something pointing me in the right direction might help alot