I think my current project is able to be noticed at IGF this year

But I already started it, so this one will not enter the PGD Annual. But my goal is to get it a working, bugfree, funny game in the end. And the basics are already working great in my opinion. I was working hard on it the last 3 weeks and the current result amazes me myself sometimes *hehe*

So the point is, if I find this game good enough in the end, I will submit it on my own to IGF. There is much time left to finish it, and this time, I did the game engine using the experiences from my projects and "playgrounds" of the past. In fact, Tanx was my really first serious 3D project and I had to deal with many "holes" in my knowledge I now hopefully filled up

So be prepared of a new post in the "My projects" forum the next days...
