Well... right now it looks like a train wreck... Of course, black text on a dark grey background is a /fail/ hard right out of the gate (remember the 75% luminance rule) - and for those of us who want to switch back to subsilver so there's enough contrast to actually READ text on the site we end up with this wierd half-and half appearance. If you are going to apply a theme, don't do it haphazard to the main index and leave the rest of the site alone...

My advice - drop phpBB as it's near total lack of skinning capabilites without nuetering your upgrade path is just ASKING to have the site raped. (Ever hear of NeverNoSanity?), much less it's raging hardon for 8px sized fonts making it night impossible to read anything without zooming in 200% or more (blessed be opera) if the user has a halfway decent development machine (like mine - 3x 21" displays at 1600x1200 each, windows large fonts/120dpi on)

Much less isolate the website itself from the forums - I've rarely ever seen 'portals' be anything more than a 'hey look, this person doesn't know how to build a website', and often leads to non-standard forum mods preventing you from upgrading to the newest versions of your forum software - leading to leaving yourself open to vulnerabilites (see the bit above about asking to get your site raped)

Upgrading software is like changing the oil in your car - and failing to do so can lead to your engine siezing up... Tie that in with phpBB, a forum software REPEATEDLY proven to have security holes big enough to cruise the USS Iowa through and you are just painting a bullseye on your backside in the showers at San Quentin.

Wow, I paint pretty pictures with words.

SMF or vBulletin offer MUCH more flexible skinning and a mod system that doesn't nueter upgradability, and it's possible to switch to them without losing the existing user accounts or posts... though since you are using a portal mod to phpBB for the main part of the site (in other words you are begging to get hacked and/or spammed to death - see midilet) that whole thing would have to be redone.

Right now - uhg. That's all I can say.