WILL and Savage are well aware of the hack risks as the site got hacked during the competition last year, hence, they are trying to keep on top of the phpBB upgrades. They both work full time jobs and do their best to keep on top of things here (getting the competition etc. going isn't a 5 minute job), so I do think you're comments are more than a little harsh.

The half and half issue... I'm assuming you mean the fact that when you're logged in forum pages come up with your selected theme, but the main forum index comes up with the default PGD theme.... this is a bug that they are aware of.

As for a halfway decent development machine... you're lucky if you have 3 x 21" displays... I have a single 19" crt running 1600x1200 with 96dpi fonts and I can read PGD fine (and for the record, my vision close up is slightly impaired as I'm longsighted in both eyes). If you really have to zoom in to 200% to read it, I would suggest that the fault is not with PGD, but with your eyesite and I would seriously consider getting an eye test.

You also mention vBulletin... I've been running forums with vBulletin for many years and you make it sound like a bed of roses... LOL. Please... its not as easy as you make it sound. I've had my site screwed over so many times by vBulletin and its upgrades that I gave up trying to customise it and removed every single tweak. Besides that, it costs money and at times theres been three or four updates in a week because they screwed up and released a buggy version, so its not all its cracked up to be.

Constructive criticism is always a good thing, but outright negativity isn't. These guys give up their time and money to run PGD and make it a great place for Pascal game developers, they are aware of the potential hazards of running phpBB and as you can see, they are planning on implementing a lighter theme, so instead of berating their efforts with a post that is wholey negative, how about showing them a little gratitude coupled with some suggestions?

How about 'Great job guys, but could you maybe adjust the colours a little so theres increased contrast between the background and the text'. Thats a much nicer way to open a post than 'right now it looks like a train wreck'.

Just my $0.02