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Thread: SDL Examples for NDS porting

  1. #21

    SDL Examples for NDS porting

    If you could PM me the code that would be great.

    I'll get r19 down instead and try that.
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  2. #22

    SDL Examples for NDS porting

    Uhm... same error in pm. Maybe the forum engine parses the makefile text and comes out something wrong. When I try to make a message preview or try to send it, I get a 404 error
    I'll send that makefile via email (PM me your address)
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  3. #23
    Co-Founder / PGD Elder WILL's Avatar
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    SDL Examples for NDS porting

    Hmm... couldn't you alternately use PasteBin?
    Jason McMillen
    Pascal Game Development

  4. #24

    SDL Examples for NDS porting

    Quote Originally Posted by Legolas

    Here is a quick list of changes I made in order to compile it:

    :arrow: NDS needs "uses types;" only
    :arrow: libSDL.a depends from libnds9.a and some other gcc libs:
    [pascal]{$IFDEF NDS}
    SDLLibName = 'libSDL.a';
    :arrow: I have commented out all SDL_mutex and thread parts
    :arrow: All external funcs are declared as:
    function SDL_Init( flags : UInt32 ) : Integer;
    cdecl; external {$IFNDEF NDS}{$IFDEF __GPC__}name 'SDL_Init'{$ELSE} SDLLibName{$ENDIF __GPC__}{$ENDIF NDS};

    That's all
    As I said, it compiles fine but I dont' know if it works too
    I'm making changed to the sdl.pas for JEDI-SDL to see if I can make is conpile out of the box for the ds.

    I have made all of the changes you specified with the exception of defining PSDL_mutex as it is defined in the source code.

    But I get

      sdl.pas &#40;4207,4&#41; Error &#58; Creation of Dynamic/Shared Libraries not supported
    Any ideas?
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  5. #25

    SDL Examples for NDS porting

    I got a similar error. I can't remember how I have solved it, but if it can help you, here is a pastebin ([size=9px]thanks WILL [/size]) of my sdl.pas
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  6. #26

    SDL Examples for NDS porting

    I got everything compiling OK. And a basic sample working .

    I'm now looking into OpenGL support, unfortunately the port of SDL to the DS does not support Opengl so I'm having to add it. Currently I just adding code like this

    // Set the video mode to 3D
    	if &#40;flags & SDL_OPENGL&#41; &#123;
    	   videoSetMode&#40;MODE_0_3D| DISPLAY_BG2_ACTIVE&#41;;
    	   //set the sub background up for text display &#40;we could just print to one
    	   //of the main display text backgrounds just as easily
    	   videoSetModeSub&#40;MODE_0_2D | DISPLAY_BG0_ACTIVE&#41;; //sub bg 0 will be used to print text
    but apart from the MODE_0_3D I'm not sure what everything else actially does....

    But things are looking good so far.
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  7. #27

    SDL Examples for NDS porting

    Some progresss on the plain SDL front.

    This is running on the dualis emulator.

    the Red box is using the standard SDL_FillRect, the Blue box is done using the JEDI-SDL SDL_PutPixel routine. Only the changes suggested by Legolas were made to the sdl.pas file. The sdlutils.pas was untouched and worked as is.

    here is the code

    program sdltest;

    {$IFDEF NDS}
    {$apptype arm9} //...or arm7
    {$define ARM9} //...or arm7, according to apptype

    {$mode objfpc} // required for some libc funcs implementation

    ctypes, sdl, SysUtils, sdlutils; // required by nds headers!

    {$include} // headers!
    SysUtils, sdlutils;

    var Screen: PSDL_Surface;
    r: TSDL_Rect;
    x,y: Integer;

    Screen := SDL_SetVideoMode(320,200,16,SDL_HWSURFACE or SDL_DOUBLEBUF);
    if Screen = nil then Exit;
    r := SDLRect(10,10,20,20);
    while True do
    SDL_FillRect(Screen, nil, SDL_MapRGB(Screen^.format, 255,0,0));
    SDL_FillRect(Screen, @r, SDL_MapRGB(Screen^.format, 0,255,0));
    for y := 40 to 80 do
    for x := 40 to 80 do
    SDL_PutPixel(Screen, x,y, SDL_MapRGB(Screen^.format, 0,0,255));

    Dom, shall I send you the changes to make the DS work with JEDI-SDL :?:
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  8. #28

    SDL Examples for NDS porting

    This is extremely cool :thumbup:
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  9. #29

    SDL Examples for NDS porting

    Cool! I'm very pleased to see that it works :thumbup:
    Nice work, Dean! :clap:
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  10. #30

    SDL Examples for NDS porting

    Quote Originally Posted by technomage
    Dom, shall I send you the changes to make the DS work with JEDI-SDL :?:
    This is super cool. Would I say no to such an opportunity. Btw, The latest version of sdl.pas is in CVS. Are you not able to merge the changes in? If not send it over and tell me what needs changing. I don't have a diff tool so will need some hand holding to get it right.
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