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Thread: PGD Annual 2007 - Questions to AthenaOfDelphi

  1. #41

    PGD Annual 2007 - Questions to AthenaOfDelphi

    AthenaOfDelphi, I suppose you didn't read my readme file. In my readme file I stated several debug-keys and -commands, among others the F7-key which toggles the FPS counter.

  2. #42
    PGD Community Manager AthenaOfDelphi's Avatar
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    PGD Annual 2007 - Questions to AthenaOfDelphi

    If an FPS count was obvious within the game, I reported what I was getting, if it wasn't present out of the box, I didn't. Rest assured that it ran OK and I had a nice quick game of chess against myself to check out the chess engine :-)

    Just bear in mind, that I'm trying to score all entries within 24 hours of the stage deadline.
    :: AthenaOfDelphi :: My Blog :: My Software ::

  3. #43

    PGD Annual 2007 - Questions to AthenaOfDelphi

    Never mind, I didn't mean to criticize you.

  4. #44

    PGD Annual 2007 - Questions to AthenaOfDelphi

    Hi Christina, just wanna ask a little about the performance that you got on my entry, 7th Division. (Dunno if this is the right place to post this here)

    You mentioned that you only got 16fps, with low details, on your 2nd desktop, 1.3GHz Duron Geforce 3(128 MB, Overclocked). And 1 fps on your main pc, 800MHz Althon nVidia GeForceFX 5200.

    The second slowest pc I've tested my entry on is a 1ghz ?Athlon? Laptop, with onboard video (8mb from what I can tell), 256MB RAM. It ran at a constant 26fps, low details.

    I know none of the PC's mentioned are gaming pc's, but I spent a bit of time Optimizing my entry to run on slower computers. I'm at the stage again when I'm further improving the performance, and running tests.

    I'm using, at the time I submitted my entry, Octrees for Terrain and Scenery culling, Box-Frustum culling for Scenery, BackFace (and some frontface) culling, display lists for each scenery and Octree Node, State sorting, and triangle strips for all polygons.

    The tree's are about 2700 polly's each, and although they are each drawn twice a frame (for cartoon outlines), I calculate the average scene draws about 50-60,000 triangles a frame. Which doesn't really seem all that much especially without textures. And using display lists, strips, and face culling, the hardware mentioned should be able to the the game ok.

    I dunno, I'm just trying to investigate the performance, and am very suprised that your first pc only got 1 frame a second, lol. Maybe I have bottlenecks elsewhere apart from rendering, maybe in the AI or something, or all the overhead in polygon culling. I'm also worried, because the Demo Map that was supplied, was pretty bare. I'm planning on the final release to have about 10X as much scenery, it is infact ment to be thick jungle terrain after all, lol

    Also, about Windows 2000 Server. As I have never had any experience with it, just wondering how you (and others ) find it's performance compared to say Windows XP, in gaming and general applications, and the driver support in Windows 2000.

    I never got around to supplying a test demo before the dead-line, but I'll be sure to this round.

    I just want everyone to be able to enjoy my game the way it's ment to be played

  5. #45
    PGD Community Manager AthenaOfDelphi's Avatar
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    PGD Annual 2007 - Questions to AthenaOfDelphi

    Lets address the easiest question first... performance of Win2K Server... I've stuck with it because the majority of my code is server stuff. I only have one real driver issue and that relates to my soundcard (Yamaha SW1000XG). Apart from that, I've not had any real problems playing games. The only thing that does crop up occassionally is stuff like periodic services... you'll notice minor slow down from time to time whilst playing, but overall, its great.

    Performance... I've tried various configurations and I can't get a playable game. If you want me to run some tests to try and rule things out, I can do that for you, just email the exe's and instructions to me at athena at outer hyphen reaches dot com and I'll post the results in this thread.
    :: AthenaOfDelphi :: My Blog :: My Software ::

  6. #46

    PGD Annual 2007 - Questions to AthenaOfDelphi

    Hi Christina.

    Did you have problems clicking on the buttons of my dialogs in stage 3 entry?
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  7. #47
    PGD Community Manager AthenaOfDelphi's Avatar
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    PGD Annual 2007 - Questions to AthenaOfDelphi

    Hi Dirk,

    Yes I did (I thought I mentioned this in the comments). The 'shop' dialog seemed to work ok, but the cannon control dialog seemed to be broken. I struggled to control the cannon.

    I also struggled performance wise, especially when pushing blocks around with the bulldozer.
    :: AthenaOfDelphi :: My Blog :: My Software ::

  8. #48

    PGD Annual 2007 - Questions to AthenaOfDelphi

    I forgot to make the button functions framerate independent. So could it be that the cannon moved just very very slow on your machine?
    In addition to that, a simple fast click is not the way it is intended to work. A click and hold will move the cannon.

    I need to know if the buttons collision behaviour is working on your machine, so if you have some minutes for me, could you test it again and take a look at a maybe very slow movement of the cannon?
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  9. #49
    PGD Community Manager AthenaOfDelphi's Avatar
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    PGD Annual 2007 - Questions to AthenaOfDelphi

    Hi Dirk,

    The problem with the canon, does appear to be linked to the physics in the stage 3 upload. I bought a cannon straight away and I can move it without any real problems. Then, I switched to the bulldozer, moved a bunch of blocks around (incidentally, it left the cannon controls on screen when I did this). When I switched back to the cannon it was slower. I switched to the hand and tried stacking some blocks (for some reason it appeared that everytime I picked up a block, I picked up the cannon). When I went back to the cannon again, it was practically dead.

    Hope this helps.

    If you need more specific tests performed, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
    :: AthenaOfDelphi :: My Blog :: My Software ::

  10. #50

    PGD Annual 2007 - Questions to AthenaOfDelphi

    Thank you very much Christina... this gives some hints where I can investigate the mentioned problems. The stuck cannon to the mouseclick is a bug I found myself after submitting. And the physics problems should be already solved now. I changed the way I call Newton update.

    I will fix and add some other things and then surely will upload a test version before the next deadline. Thanks again!
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