23 years old. From Netherlands. I'm actually more into the direction of videogame music and filmmusic, though I'm studying Music Production (which I've been hating for some time). Music has been generally becoming less and less interesting to me, but I still have a place for it.

Main artistic interests are composing and playing music (guitar / piano), other big interests are philosophy and language, and for the rest some big interests are (military) history, warfare (strategy and tactics), debating, politics, spirituality, etc.

Started programming when I was about 12 I think. First language was Pascal with Turbo Pascal, but never really kept going at it steadily. I started and stopped learning programming every now and then so I never really got good at it but I'm usually familiar with language syntaxes and basic procedural programming, heh, though even that troubles me sometimes). (Had been switching a lot between languages (Pascal (and Delphi), C, C++, Java, C#, Python, Perl, Ruby, Boo.)

If I had kept going at it from then on perhaps I would've been a lot better now, but then I bet I wouldn't be so artistic and such as well, heh :)

I wish I had more time to program, so whenever I have time I have a go at it, but I've been progressing only slowly. Add to that what I've been doing all these years didn't REALLY require any serious math calculations and such, so it's even harder to learn programming and come up with solutions, even if I used to be good at math.

This year, or next year, I will be joining the army due to my interest in the military. So until that time I hope I'll enjoy this forum with all of you :)