The Prima Donna is getting ready to get on stage for her Bel Canto, as soon as the results are in, she'll be letting off her coloratura at full volume to the awe of the house.

I'm quite dissappointed at the moment, with my BT internet connection. The bloody thing was down again last night, I've had people compiling Crashblock under Linux (thanks Technomage) and on MacOSX (Thanks Billy) but I couldn't post the screenshots.

I'll post screenies of it running on other O/S's in good time now as the deadline's been missed. Never mind, can't be helped. but thanks guys for the hard work getting it to work. It's 10 points missed though which I'm a bit sad about.

Still, congratulations to everyone who submitted a final entry this year. It's been a tough 4 months but from it we have some new Pascal games to play, that's got to be good eh?