Are you bored with your structured programming language?
Do the begins and ends get on your nerves making you crave for some good old fashioned braces?
Are you tired of your code always producing the same, predictable, boring old results?
Do you long for a bit of excitement in your everyday world?

Do you enjoy spending hours and hours chasing down irritating yet oddly fulfilling bugs?
Do you wear rubber over the weekend and live in a small box?
Do you like the danger of a potiential catastrophic crash or buffer overrun attack?
Do you enjoy driving 6" nails into your temples for fun?

If so, you need C.

Specifically designed to make even the simplest of tasks take longer, so that the "on this damned project forever" feeling can go on and on. Simply use some uninitialised pointers twice a day for spectacular results. O/S Crashes, Bios overwrites, random glitches and many, many more.

We guarantee to make beginner programmers physically wet themselves in fear by the mentioning of the mere word, although technically only a letter, C is statistically the scariest word on the planet.

Also available C++, all the scariness of C with the addition scary sharpness of ++

Pick up your copy today and rule the world with the iron fist it deserves,...

Are you man enough?!