Heh heh

Anybody who decides to learn C++ is either (1) forced by necessity, (2) ignorant, or (3) a masochist.
Not even God Himself would learn C/C++ in a lifetime and be a perfect expert at it, let alone in a few seconds: it doesn't matter if He's God; we're talking C/C++ here.
WIRTH LANGUAGE ADVOCATER: "Have you ever heard of languages like Oberon-2, Modula, Pascal, and such?"
C++ PROGRAMMER: "Huh? Dahhh?"

(It seems the C++ programmer had lost the ability to speak normal human language. This must be due to the inhuman C++ syntax and the fact that the C or C++ languages are living entities that take control over their users.)
Pascal should've owned C and Object Pascal should've owned C++; we could go on forever but it's no use: C/C++ has infected the minds of many and it spread like a virus still in existence today.
If you like suffering, you'd like C/C++.
If you'd like more suffering, you'd like Assembly.
But a true wanter of pain would try to get lower and learn to speak binary language.
The only way to have me truly appreciate C/C++ is to make me study Assembly. Actually, no... in fact, perhaps I'd prefer that over C++.
LITTLE GIRL: "Daddy, why do you talk so strange?"
FATHER (programmer): [computer voice] "Shut, up. I, init, system. In, stall, virus, C++. Vaccine, available: no. Anti, dote: no. Primitive, inhuman, language, limited, english, capacity, ....."