I'm disappointed because CodeGear thinks .Net is important, and is delaying the next VCL/Pascal Delphi version to ~2 years away. And worse still, the added features are nothing big, helpful, or worthwhile in the long run. I have never actually made a cent from what I do with Delphi, so unless they update the Turbo line (like I hope they will) I'm stuck with a hugely buggy compiler. I honestly don't know what to do. I like Delphi and want to continue using it ... but the price tag on 2007 is kind of crippling for little improvement aside from a more stable IDE and additional VCL components. Etc.

That's why I'm disappointed. I don't really want to switch to FPC because, like I said before, I feel like the support structure isn't there. The fact it is and works for those already using it is irrelevant -- as leaving it there will never encourage newbies like myself to take the step.