Czar, thanks for your comments. What I would like to do is include animations and other such things. I would like to see the Reels animated as they roll and perhaps bounce a bit at the end. I feel that the game is pretty good as it is (according to the people that buy it) but I am always trying to make things better. My wife plays these things and they all seem to have one thing in common - animations and they cope well on slow machines where as Picture Slots can struggle as I draw various bitmaps onto a canvas one reel at a time.

Will, I have looked at some of the OpenGL and DirectX stuff and my biggest problem is terminology. I simply don't understand some of the things they talk about. Trying to find a tutorial suitable for my 45 year old brain is very hard.

I started out as a COBOL programmer many years ago, went on to BASIC, then PASCAL (which I did because I needed something for my BBS that BASIC couldn't do). That was 15 years ago and until now no graphics programming has been required. I wish I had learned some of this stuff while my mind was a knowledge sponge.

Right now, if I am to learn new tricks I must delete old ones.

I guess moving to any Graphics Platform isn't a big deal, I have just enjoyed reading posts on this forum and wanted to get involved.
