Quote Originally Posted by Setharian
maybe cluster-based approach won't be needed....the great advantage is that one doesn't have to consider collision of 2 moving objects in detail (simplified bounding volumes like spheres/elipsoids are used for this purpose), only moving object <--> static object checks are needed to be more precise because usually the decoration (and terrain) cannot be encapsulated in a simple bounding volume for a reliable collision detection....object management works on an octree principle to quickly perform enumeration/addition/removal and I was thinking to extend it to contain static geoemtry as well....every individual "geometry object" would contain an AABB and an internal BSP tree of all the polys contained within it....also models used by the server are simplifications of those used by the client (usually have only 10-15% of polys of the original model)....because all of the geometry is static, AABBs and BSP trees can be precomputed....do you guys think there is any "hidden" problem in this approach?
wow that's hard to read! Made me realise how much I take white space for granted.