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Thread: Looking for a free playback library

  1. #1

    Looking for a free playback library

    I want to find a component that can play back pretty much any sound format through DirectWhateverThey'reUsingForThatTheseDays, but won't charge me an arm and a leg if I want to use it commercially. It doesn't have to have a ton of features for editing files or streaming them or heaven-only-knows-what else, like FMOD and BASS do (which no doubt contributes to their high licensing cost,) but it has to be able to play back any format, including MIDI, which nothing I've seen except BASS supports, unless it's a MIDI-only component.

    Does any package like this exist? If so, where can I find it?


  2. #2

    Looking for a free playback library

    use BASS simple and powerfull
    From brazil (:

    Pascal pownz!

  3. #3

    Looking for a free playback library

    Quote Originally Posted by arthurprs
    use BASS simple and powerfull
    "The BASS library is free for non-commercial use. If you are a non-commercial entity and are not charging for your software, and the software has no other commercial purpose, then you can use BASS in it for free."
    From brazil (:

    Pascal pownz!

  4. #4

    Looking for a free playback library

    *points Arthurprs back to his original post, where BASS is specifically mentioned as being unsuitable*

  5. #5

    Looking for a free playback library

    Audiere. Very nice free library.
    Don't know if it plays midi, but it plays mp3, ogg, xm, it, etc...

  6. #6

    Looking for a free playback library

    No offense, but this is the only mention of Audiere on the forums. The only implementation of Audiere in pascal I have seen is at Asphyre, but was never actually finished. Furthermore, Pascal headers aren't included with Audiere.

    If you're going to name a package, at least tell where you can get a pascal or Delphi compatible header. And yes, I have looked.

    Edit: For the record I only found the Delphi binding through SVN. Fun... :roll:

  7. #7

    Looking for a free playback library

    A header I have has link to
    But it abandoned and taken by cybersquatters.
    Nevertheless, Audiere with this header is working well.
    I wanted to attach the header to my post but didn't found how to do this.

  8. #8

    Looking for a free playback library

    No it isn't. Jarrod Davis just can't sit on a website name for longer than2 months, or keep a product name the same for more than a year. Try to see the current site. (And in case you're wondering Jarrod (in the off chance you read this), yes this is why I left. Nothing stayed the same, no old threads with helpful functions remained, no old members.)

    Here is the binding I got through the SVN. Sorry for the tone; I just get bothered when people don't share links.

    // Audiere Sound System
    // Version 1.9.2
    // (c) 2002 Chad Austin
    // This API uses principles explained at
    // This code licensed under the terms of the LGPL.  See the Audiere
    // license.txt.
    // Delphi Conversion By:
    // Jarrod Davis
    // Jarrod Davis Software
    //   - Jarrod Davis Software
    // - Game Application Framework for Delphi
    //      - Support Email
    // How to use:
    //   * Include Audiere in your Uses statement
    //   * Enable or Disable the DYNAMICS compiler define
    //   * If Dynamic, be sure to call AdrLoadDLL before using any commands.
    //     the DLL will be automaticlly unloaded at termination.
    //   * If Static, then use as normal.
    // History:
    //   * Initial 1.9.2 release.
    //   + Added dynamic loading. Use the DYNAMIC compiler define to control
    //     this. When enabled you can then use ArdLoadLL/AdrUnloadDLL to
    //     dynamiclly load/unload dll at runtime.
    unit Audiere;
      DLL_NAME = 'Audiere.dll';
      { TAdrSeekMode  }
      TAdrSeekMode = (
      { TAdrSoundEffectType }
      TAdrSoundEffectType = (
      { TAdrSampleFormat }
      TAdrSampleFormat = (
      { TAdrFileFormat }
      TAdrFileFormat = (
      { TAdrRefCounted  }
      TAdrRefCounted = class
        procedure Ref;   virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        procedure UnRef; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
      { TAdrFile }
      TAdrFile = class(TAdrRefCounted)
        function Read(aBuffer: Pointer; aSize: Integer): Integer; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        function Seek(aPosition: Integer; aSeekMode: TAdrSeekMode): Boolean; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        function Tell: Integer; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
      { TAdrSampleSource }
      TAdrSampleSource = class(TAdrRefCounted)
        procedure GetFormat(var aChannelCount: Integer; var aSampleRate: Integer; var aSampleFormat: TAdrSampleFormat); virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        function  Read(aFrameCount: Integer; aBuffer: Pointer): Integer;  virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        procedure Reset; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        function  IsSeekable: Boolean; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        function  GetLength: Integer; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        procedure SetPosition(Position: Integer); virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        function  GetPosition: Integer; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
      { TAdrOutputStream }
      TAdrOutputStream = class(TAdrRefCounted)
        procedure Play; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        procedure Stop; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        function  IsPlaying: Boolean; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        procedure Reset; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        procedure SetRepeat(aRepeat: Boolean); virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        function  GetRepeat: Boolean; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        procedure SetVolume(aVolume: Single); virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        function  GetVolume: Single; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        procedure SetPan(aPan: Single); virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        function  GetPan: Single; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        procedure SetPitchShift(aShift: Single); virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        function  GetPitchShift: Single; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        function  IsSeekable: Boolean; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        function  GetLength: Integer; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        procedure SetPosition(aPosition: Integer); virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        function  GetPosition: Integer; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
      { TAdrAudioDevice }
      TAdrAudioDevice = class(TAdrRefCounted)
        procedure Update; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        function  OpenStream(aSource: TAdrSampleSource): TAdrOutputStream; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        function  OpenBuffer(aSamples: Pointer; aFrameCount, aChannelCount, aSampleRate: Integer; aSampelFormat: TAdrSampleFormat):  TAdrOutputStream; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
      { TAdrSampleBuffer }
      TAdrSampleBuffer = class(TAdrRefCounted)
        procedure GetFormat(var ChannelCount: Integer; var aSampleRate: Integer; var aSampleFormat: TAdrSampleFormat); virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        function  GetLength: Integer; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        function  GetSamples: Pointer; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        function  OpenStream: TAdrSampleSource; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
      { TAdrSoundEffect }
      TAdrSoundEffect = class(TAdrRefCounted)
        procedure Play; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        procedure Stop; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        procedure SetVolume(aVolume: Single); virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        function  GetVolume: Single; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        procedure SetPan(aPan: Single); virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        function  GetPan: Single; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        procedure SetPitchShift(aShift: Single); virtual; stdcall; abstract;
        function  GetPitchShift: Single; virtual; stdcall; abstract;
    { --- Audiere Routines -------------------------------------------------- }
    function AdrGetVersion: PChar; stdcall; external DLL_NAME name '_AdrGetVersion@0';
    function AdrGetSupportedFileFormats: PChar; stdcall; external DLL_NAME name '_AdrGetSupportedFileFormats@0';
    function AdrGetSupportedAudioDevices: PChar; stdcall; external DLL_NAME name '_AdrGetSupportedAudioDevices@0';
    function AdrGetSampleSize(aFormat: TAdrSampleFormat): Integer; stdcall; external DLL_NAME name '_AdrGetSampleSize@4';
    function AdrOpenDevice(const aName: PChar; const aParams: PChar): TAdrAudioDevice; stdcall; external DLL_NAME name '_AdrOpenDevice@8';
    function AdrOpenSampleSource(const aFilename: PChar; aFileFormat: TAdrFileFormat): TAdrSampleSource; stdcall; external DLL_NAME name '_AdrOpenSampleSource@8';
    function AdrOpenSampleSourceFromFile(aFile: TAdrFile; aFileFormat: TAdrFileFormat): TAdrSampleSource; stdcall; external DLL_NAME name '_AdrOpenSampleSourceFromFile@8';
    function AdrCreateTone(aFrequency: Double): TAdrSampleSource; stdcall; external DLL_NAME name '_AdrCreateTone@8';
    function AdrCreateSquareWave(aFrequency: Double): TAdrSampleSource; stdcall; external DLL_NAME name '_AdrCreateSquareWave@8';
    function AdrCreateWhiteNoise: TAdrSampleSource; stdcall; external DLL_NAME name '_AdrCreateWhiteNoise@0';
    function AdrCreatePinkNoise: TAdrSampleSource; stdcall; external DLL_NAME name '_AdrCreatePinkNoise@0';
    function AdrOpenSound(aDevice: TAdrAudioDevice; aSource: TAdrSampleSource; aStreaming: LongBool): TAdrOutputStream; stdcall; external DLL_NAME name '_AdrOpenSound@12';
    function AdrCreateSampleBuffer(aSamples: Pointer; aFrameCount, aChannelCount, aSampleRate: Integer; aSampleFormat: TAdrSampleFormat): TAdrSampleBuffer; stdcall; external DLL_NAME name '_AdrCreateSampleBuffer@20';
    function AdrCreateSampleBufferFromSource(aSource: TAdrSampleSource): TAdrSampleBuffer; stdcall; external DLL_NAME name '_AdrCreateSampleBufferFromSource@4';
    function AdrOpenSoundEffect(aDevice: TAdrAudioDevice; aSource: TAdrSampleSource; aType: TAdrSoundEffectType): TAdrSoundEffect; stdcall; external DLL_NAME name '_AdrOpenSoundEffect@12';
      AdrGetVersion                  : function: PChar; stdcall = nil;
      AdrGetSupportedFileFormats     : function: PChar; stdcall = nil;
      AdrGetSupportedAudioDevices    : function : PChar; stdcall = nil;
      AdrGetSampleSize               : function(aFormat: TAdrSampleFormat): Integer; stdcall = nil;
      AdrOpenDevice                  : function(const aName: PChar; const aParams: PChar): TAdrAudioDevice; stdcall = nil;
      AdrOpenSampleSource            : function(const aFilename: PChar; aFileFormat: TAdrFileFormat): TAdrSampleSource; stdcall = nil;
      AdrOpenSampleSourceFromFile    : function(aFile: TAdrFile; aFileFormat: TAdrFileFormat): TAdrSampleSource; stdcall = nil;
      AdrCreateTone                  : function(aFrequency: Double): TAdrSampleSource; stdcall = nil;
      AdrCreateSquareWave            : function(aFrequency: Double): TAdrSampleSource; stdcall = nil;
      AdrCreateWhiteNoise            : function: TAdrSampleSource; stdcall = nil;
      AdrCreatePinkNoise             : function: TAdrSampleSource; stdcall = nil;
      AdrOpenSound                   : function(aDevice: TAdrAudioDevice; aSource: TAdrSampleSource; aStreaming: LongBool): TAdrOutputStream; stdcall = nil;
      AdrCreateSampleBuffer          : function(aSamples: Pointer; aFrameCount, aChannelCount, aSampleRate: Integer; aSampleFormat: TAdrSampleFormat): TAdrSampleBuffer; stdcall = nil;
      AdrCreateSampleBufferFromSource: function(aSource: TAdrSampleSource): TAdrSampleBuffer; stdcall = nil;
      AdrOpenSoundEffect             : function(aDevice: TAdrAudioDevice; aSource: TAdrSampleSource; aType: TAdrSoundEffectType): TAdrSoundEffect; stdcall = nil;
    function AdrLoadDLL: Boolean; stdcall;
    procedure AdrUnloadDLL; stdcall;
      AdrDLL: HMODULE = 0;
    function AdrLoadDLL: Boolean;
      Result := False;
      AdrDLL := LoadLibrary('audiere.dll');
      if(AdrDLL = 0) then
      @AdrGetVersion                   := GetProcAddress(AdrDLL, '_AdrGetVersion@0');
      @AdrGetSupportedFileFormats      := GetProcAddress(AdrDLL, '_AdrGetSupportedFileFormats@0');
      @AdrGetSupportedAudioDevices     := GetProcAddress(AdrDLL, '_AdrGetSupportedAudioDevices@0');
      @AdrGetSampleSize                := GetProcAddress(AdrDLL, '_AdrGetSampleSize@4');
      @AdrOpenDevice                   := GetProcAddress(AdrDLL, '_AdrOpenDevice@8');
      @AdrOpenSampleSource             := GetProcAddress(AdrDLL, '_AdrOpenSampleSource@8');
      @AdrOpenSampleSourceFromFile     := GetProcAddress(AdrDLL, '_AdrOpenSampleSourceFromFile@8');
      @AdrCreateTone                   := GetProcAddress(AdrDLL, '_AdrCreateTone@8');
      @AdrCreateSquareWave             := GetProcAddress(AdrDLL, '_AdrCreateSquareWave@8');
      @AdrCreateWhiteNoise             := GetProcAddress(AdrDLL, '_AdrCreateWhiteNoise@0');
      @AdrCreatePinkNoise              := GetProcAddress(AdrDLL, '_AdrCreatePinkNoise@0');
      @AdrOpenSound                    := GetProcAddress(AdrDLL, '_AdrOpenSound@12');
      @AdrCreateSampleBuffer           := GetProcAddress(AdrDLL, '_AdrCreateSampleBuffer@20');
      @AdrCreateSampleBufferFromSource := GetProcAddress(AdrDLL, '_AdrCreateSampleBufferFromSource@4');
      @AdrOpenSoundEffect              := GetProcAddress(AdrDLL, '_AdrOpenSoundEffect@12');
      if not Assigned(AdrGetVersion) then Exit;
      if not Assigned(AdrGetSupportedFileFormats) then Exit;
      if not Assigned(AdrGetSupportedAudioDevices) then Exit;
      if not Assigned(AdrGetSampleSize) then Exit;
      if not Assigned(AdrOpenDevice) then Exit;
      if not Assigned(AdrOpenSampleSource) then Exit;
      if not Assigned(AdrOpenSampleSourceFromFile) then Exit;
      if not Assigned(AdrCreateTone) then Exit;
      if not Assigned(AdrCreateSquareWave) then Exit;
      if not Assigned(AdrCreateWhiteNoise) then Exit;
      if not Assigned(AdrCreatePinkNoise) then Exit;
      if not Assigned(AdrOpenSound) then Exit;
      if not Assigned(AdrCreateSampleBuffer) then Exit;
      if not Assigned(AdrCreateSampleBufferFromSource) then Exit;
      if not Assigned(AdrOpenSoundEffect) then Exit;
      Result := True;
    procedure AdrUnloadDLL;
      if AdrDLL <> 0 then
        AdrDLL &#58;= 0;

  9. #9

    Looking for a free playback library

    Quote Originally Posted by masonwheeler
    *points Arthurprs back to his original post, where BASS is specifically mentioned as being unsuitable*
    Sorry, i have read only the title and file formats ops:
    From brazil (:

    Pascal pownz!

  10. #10

    Looking for a free playback library

    That's a very nice-looking header, Robert. But it doesn't look like it does MIDI.

    You know anything that does?


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