YAY!... i just solved it

It was infact a combination of multiple bugs/mistakes. The most important one was that i didn't use the JEDI headers. Only the JEDI headers had support for D3DX debug output. That's why i was getting no proper error messages. (dont know where the other SXS messeages came from).
I had to modify the library path so the correct headers were used.

So now i was ready to solve the actual bug. The first one was an invalid subset (i thought i could acces a color's alpha component by doing "COLOR.A" but that was obviously a mistake).

Are you sure your video card supports SM2?
Whaha.. LOL :lol: .... the second error had (indeed) something to do with the shader model.
I changed the effect file so vs and ps 1.1 were used (to be sure that it was supported) but D3DX told me that shader model 1.1 wasn't supported anymore on my ultra DX10 card :mrgreen:
Infact ALL shader models lower than 2.0 are not supported.

I simply changed it to vs_2_0 to solve the whole problem.

Thanx again for your extremely usefull tip about D3DX debugging, i couldn't kill this bug without it.