Thanks guys, I was dying, trying to keep this one a secret while getting this one done. I'm happy that I was finally able to use your footage from way back in Feb, Dirk. :lol: Even as it was technically past it's expiry date.

You know... I've actually learned quite a bit about Movie Maker in the process too. [size=9px](even though all that knowledge was never used yet. )[/size] Quite a neat little program if you can get it to stop crashing. :roll:

Congratulations to everyone once again.

Jason, I can finally say it. *whew* get going on your entry for the IGF! I'm sure Dom will contact you shortly to set you up for the IGF. You have until October 1st to submit your game to them via FTP .

Also let me know what size/dimentions you'll need for a PGD logo screen so you can indert it as a splash screen at the start of your game [size=9px](You're PGD sponsored now! )[/size]

Everyone else expect to be contacted shortly to verify your prize winnings and mailing addresses if required.

The download version is available now. (It was really late and I didn't want to wake up in the already early morning to update the post for the link.) You should be able to download and watch it in all 640x480 glory now... But please don't try to stream it.

[size=9px]I WAS going to post this to YouTube... but it seems that they have suddenly limited their video posts to not only 100 MB, but also 10 mins. Seeing as this one is 22 mins long... that was just a royal pain in the you-know-what... so I said stuff 'em. :lol: Google Video gets the glory. Yahoo! Video copy has also been uploaded, but is still apparently "processing". I guess I'll post that one too once it's done.[/size]

[size=8px]All these smilies. Sorry, I guess I get all Emot-ional at these things. :lol:[/size]