Another little bug. On levelstartup the position of the ship is set to startingposition, but the collisionshape is not moved. So in the very first frame the ship is at the starting point and its collision shape is at the position you left the last level... fixed that. Thanks again! You wouldn't recognize it until you stop a level at a position where you hit an enemy in the next level

About the new enemy... its a new one, not the last So let us proceed slowly to more evil things It's already hard enough to beat level 10 (which of course is not final, just to introduce the new enemy). The weaving rocket is quite hard to assess in its movement, even if its regular, you have to quickly decide in which direction you try to avoid.

I already fixed the smoke problem... I like it exactly like it is now... Out of 15 smoke particles, 14 are behind the ship now... looks ok and is not obscuring the ship too much.

Which blocking are you talking about? I don't understand that...

And finally: *lol* I am awaiting the list... But... I guess I can take the last list we made one year ago