Eriken asked the following in the Articals, etc thread
Quote Originally Posted by Eriken
Speaking about Tutorials and Articles... The idea came up to have some scouts around to look for articles/tutorials elsewhere and check if we can use them, because I think there is enough to do without actually having to reinvent the wheel everytime..

There is probably also Delphi-sites in German, Dutch, etc which have great articles.. and if we get a permission from the owners to translate them to English those would be quite an asset too.

Well, it was an idea atleast..

(And now I've stepped right into Will's big question so now I'll get shot )
Well I didn't shoot him, but he has some rather good ideas here. I can't recall in the past how many French, German or other type tutorials on DelphiX or other things that I've wanted to read in the past, but just don't know the language. And there ARE some really good tutorials out there.

Problem is though that simply linking to another site and not hosting a copy on our own server might mean having to remove it at any point in time because the author lost the site and it was abandoned... Also we don't want to just plop a whole handfull of posted tutorials on the front page(covering the ones specifically written for the new site) so we'd either have to add them to the tutorials section of the site, but not have them featured on the front page(we can announce the addition them on the tutorials page instead?). Ah... details to be worked out durring the meeting, i guess.

Very workable idea however...