1) Is similar to A3D but isn't A3D

2) now a haven't plan for how to make LEVEL, for now i have writed exporter to my f3da format from Maya. F3DA file format is very simple:


&#91;+O&#93; object name
&#91;+CF&#93; faces count
&#91;+CV&#93; vertex count
&#91;-O&#93; end of object definition
&#91;+F&#93; start face&#91;n&#93;
&#91;vA&#93; vertex A
&#91;vB&#93; vertex B
&#91;vC&#93; vertex C
&#91;cA&#93; color A
&#91;cB&#93; color B
&#91;cC&#93; color C
&#91;nA&#93; normal A
&#91;nB&#93; normal  B
&#91;nC&#93; normal C
&#91;tA&#93; tanget A
&#91;tB&#93; tanget B
&#91;tC&#93; tanget C
&#91;bA&#93; binormal A
&#91;bB&#93; binormal B
&#91;bC&#93; binormal C
&#91;uv0A&#93; uv set 0 A
&#91;uv0B&#93; uv set 0 B
&#91;uv0C&#93; uv set 0 C
&#91;mat&#93; materil name for face
&#91;-F&#93; end face definition

3) CodeGear and Delphi7 compilation works good on both.