Actually I think that you'll find that Lazarus is great once you get to using it often.

The problems that you describe seem fairly uncommon. At least from my experience and I've been using it for the past couple of years now. It may have something to do with the way you have your program put together.

To actually help you out though, I'll need to know a bit more.

:arrow: What path did you install Lazarus to? -- Common mistake is to install it to where there are spaces in the installation path. ie. "C:\Program Files\Lazarus\" is not possible. Instead make sure that it is installed to "C:\lazarus\". This is not a limitation of Lazarus OR FPC, but in fact that of the GNU tools.

:arrow: What OS are you running? Lazarus can run on a ton of OS combinations. Including Vista, but there may be some issues there that I wouldn't know of.

:arrow: Does the unit names in the code match the filenames themselves? This caps and all?

:arrow: In the Compiler Options window in the 'Paths' tab; Did you type in the full path to your units or relative? And did you make sure that the paths actually exist? If you use the '...' buttons on the side it will take you to a tool where it generates this list for you if you didn't find that yet.

If for some reason these units require .inc include files the input field below it is obviously where they will need to be entered. This is the case for libraries like JEDI-SDL for example.

:arrow: How did you create the project files for your existing Delphi project? This might have played a role in your troubles. I'm not an expert in converting from D-to-L, I just cut and paste my code into a new framework each time, but I'm sure there are others that know more about this that can help if that is what you are trying to do.

[size=9px]TIP: If you are coming from a Delphi background (like me) it would be recommended that you got into Project -> Compiler Options... and go under the 'Parsing' tab. There you will see a checkbox for 'Delphi Compatible (-Sd)'. Go ahead and check it. This will help you get by a lot of Delphi-centric things in your existing code and if you are in the habit of doing things a specific way thats the 'Borland way' then it'll help with that too.[/size]

Well based on what you wrote this is as much as I can think of to help you at this point. Feel free to elaborate or just provide some code so we can see whats going on on your end.