I like DGDev, maybe we can write it in full ... something like Delphi Game Developers... The gaming company EA, also isn't clear what it is, but they write it in full in their logo... (okay bad example).

I also like DelphiGameDev and I have seen a few other names I liked as well... we could also do DGDev.pas as our name which would make it clear enough to Delphi Game programmers that it's delphi related...

I liked the .pas idea for the domain and even though I think it's possible and not too expensive it wouldn't be wise, I remember someone telling me that the non-standard top-level domains are not supported by every DNS server and so it might happen that ppl cannot reach the site just because their DNS server cannot take it... another problem of course is that a domain name (except for our tk version) costs money and we are trying to keep this site free of charge, unless of course we could find a sponsor for the domain name, but that's highly unlikely atm!