Ah! I guess I forgot about your game William.

But wasn't it about fairy city building or something? Aimed at young kids obviously...

Still it's not as widely accessable to those that would want a full RTS game no. Doesn't mean it's not 'good', just not 100% within the usual RTS audience's targeted game spectrum.

As for if it were easier to make an RPG... no way man! Think of all the custom made art and content you'd need for an RPG. It's by far the largest amount of work for any project you try to do. [size=9px](Unless the content is really that low. Then as an RPG the game probably sucks, story-wise.)[/size]

I think RTS would be way easier. Balancing is more or less a matter or planning ahead or doing the math/numbers and weighing them out in a planned format before you commit to it in code. All you'd have to do then is make minor tweaks here and there where one factor is a bit more heavy then where it would seem on paper.

So really it's far easier to toggle a range, speed or a damage count than get an artist to create X amount of characters with Y amount of animations just to fill up a village because you need this location in your story. Besides, you'd have to balance your RPG as well, right?