At first time when image has to showed, is processed some operations at background than do convert image to regular texture and it consume a few time depend by size etc. I vote simplest way for building textures at first use point. So, it can be simple too but interface of DelphiX is unchanged (really 95% old techniques manner is the same). Dummy operation for loading is unsupported and I no plan it in near future.

For enhancements in next version 1.08 I planning some new functions for drawing like mirroring/flipping, better works with static sprite via DXSpriteEngine.Items, better link to DXImageList and many new editors. Complete is editor for TBackgroundSprite for map creating and storing into Delphi form or to file very simplest. TImageSpriteEx is now deprecated, sorry. Editor for create font layout with masking to alpha channel is done and editor for image glue to one for direct support in sprites is done too. And added will be restructure tool for images (when sub images are in one line), color changes and etc. And now I make a new tool for drawing all in one line with predefined path (with effect like blurring, rotating, flipping, mirroring, waving and more), all stored in TDXDraw. And new effect editor for shine effect like supernova. And more, and more… But all will not be done in Christmas day, sorry, but in new year I plan new release…
