Hi Jeremy,
I had to go through this for the Game Maker port.
The thin you have to decide is if you want to use the latest stable version or an over night snapshot and also if you are using Intel Macs or Power PC macs
The easiest way to get Lazarus installed on Mac OS X is to do the grab some *.dmg files...

For stable :
1. Grab the last stable release from http://sourceforge.net/project/showf...group_id=89339
You are looking the PowerPC/i386 files that start with..
  • fpc-2.2.0-[processor]-macosx.dmg


For latest overnight snapshot :
1. Go to http://www.hu.freepascal.org/lazarus/
2. Grab the files that look like this...
  • fpc-2.2.0-[snapshotdate]-[processor]-macosx.dmg

The *.dmg files MUST be installed in the order listed above.
*.dmg files are like packages in Linux or in the case of the FPC and Lazarus dmg files, like MSI installers. Note you will need admin/sudo access less to be able to install these dmg files.

The harder way to do it would be to download the source code using SVN and build everything from that, but you need at least the FPC compiler for that.

I hope this helps.