Now this is what I'm talking about.

Real Collaboration.
So if we can come up with a rough genre, some neat ideas we'll be able to get something really special made this year's competition.

I really like the CuteGod game competition which was run last year on another forum. The graphics were specific enough to be recognizable but generic enough to be able to do anything with.

If we were to focus on the basics for the graphical theme and element required, the coders would have a field day as soon as the images were ready.

I also like the idea of the free 20hrs for a project. 20hrs isn't a very long time though... I must have spent many days just creating Art assets for Crashblock, it's a simple game and I know the tools I used very well and didn't waste much time... given the average developer's tenancy to over-scope themselves to death, what would be the deal if a project wanted more of your time afterwards?

I really like your work examples too.