Quote Originally Posted by Firlefanz

I converted some of my older models we used in Commando Xenidis (older game).

I wanted to export them to .X using your editor here, but unfortunately it does not work, could you take a look?


Nice models.

Thank you for this bug report. I found that LODka3D doesn't know how to read a quads from obj-files. Now i fix this bug. Models viper1.obj and medic ship.obj now reads properly.

But obj-file format doesn't support smooth-groups. So if you load models, LODka3D assign them first smooth group automatically. So you need to use AutoSmooth options.

Some other models has some problems with the orientation of triangles. I loaded them in MilkShape3D and MilkShape3D doesn't know how to solve this problems too. Model "j?Ñger.obj", for example. Do you know any editors which read this models good? Because i have no ideas now.