Thanks for your advice guys.

Those of you that know me know that I've stopped using high level Game/Graphics libraries since well ages ago. Not that I think they aren't good, actually my reasoning is simple. I have fun doing it myself and learning how it's all done at a low level. Plus it gives me the illusion that it's faster because I can tweak it here and there. :lol:

That said, I've decided to go with Display Lists for the reason that it's a simple solution and I've figured out that I'll still get a lot of speed-up out of it from the way I'm doing things right now. VBO though great for more complex 3D geometry, just seems way too much for a simple 2D sprite who's actual dimentions don't change much at all.

I also figured out how to make use of the DLs too. :lol: Threw me for a loop for the first 5 mins. (No pun intended. ) I'm not noticing much of a increase in performance much right now, but then again I'm on a faster machine than my usual development platform. I'll double check when I get back on that machine.